How to Have Stress Free and Pain Free Menstrual Cycles
- By Gayane
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One of the definitions of the word menstrual in Oxford English Dictionary is “the time during which a disease runs its course”. This kind of language first appeared in 19th-century medical books in relation to a menstrual cycle. If we go deeper than that, the actual definition of the word “menstrual” was directly derived from the Latin word menstrualis, which simply means “monthly”. On a personal level, my journey of uncovering the true meaning of my cycles took me years. When I was introduced to my menstrual cycle, nothing was mentioned about what happens on the physical level (clearing of a uterine lining), what happens on an energetic level (the body signals me to slow down and rest) and what happens on a spiritual level (I can connect deeper to my spirituality, receive insights and feel connected to the cycles of life). My menstrual cycles used to be accompanied by pain and discomfort. I couldn’t talk about what I was going through due to shame. From the stories my mom told me and my friends shared with me, it seemed like women were just supposed to tolerate the pain. When I came to the United States as a teenager, I learned that taking Advil or Tylenol is one way to “handle the pain”.
It wasn’t until my 30’s that I learned that having painful or uncomfortable cycles wasn’t the norm. When I was getting my Master’s in Spiritual Psychology, I learned about a technique called Free Form Writing. The instructions were to write without censoring or inhibiting yourself. The finished piece of writing didn’t even have to make sense. The intentions for this practice were: emptying your mind, tapping into your emotions and going deeper into the subconscious processes. So, I decided to apply Free Form Writing to my cycle and I gave a voice to my pain, watching the words spill out on paper. It helped me to feel better but the discomfort of cycles didn’t go away. Years later, a healer introduced me to the work of Miranda Gray, author and spiritual teacher who educates women about their cycles. I ordered her book, “Red Moon”, which opened my eyes to the four phases that my body moves through every month. I, for the first time, learned that having a menstrual cycle isn’t a curse. I learned that my body moves through different seasons, just like nature. Since then, I learned to honor my cycles as beautiful portals that support me in slowing down, resting and experiencing a deeper connection to my intuition, as well as the Divine. Now they feel more like rituals, rather than burdens. Here are resources that I used and I recommend to you if you are curious or if you truly desire to experience pain free and stress free cycles: |
- Free form writing: set a timer for 20 mins and write without any judgment or censorship about your pain, discomfort and cycles. Let the words flow through you. You can focus on the pain or discomfort or emotions you feel that are linked to your menstrual cycle and write from those places, rather than about them.
- Journaling: this is a more thoughtful process where you can reflect on the following questions: How was I first introduced to my cycle? What beliefs did I create or inherit from my lineage? What is my relation to my cycles?
- Womb tea: I was introduced to herbal teas for the womb by Ariele Myers of “Wisdom of the Womb”. One of her blends is specifically designed for Menstrual Support. Another brand that I highly recommend is Anima Mundi and their “Womb Tea” .
- Womb massage: You can start by simply placing your hands on your belly and connecting first with your womb space. You can use coconut oil or almond oil or specific oil designed for womb massages and move your hands in a circular motion first. Afterwards, you can move your fingers through the middle of the belly, feeling into the spots that are tense and in circular motions releasing the tension. You can find videos on-line as well with more specific instructions.
- Grounding the energy of your womb with the energy of the Earth through visualization or felt sense practice. This has been vital for me, feeling deeply anchored and supported by the Earth and her wisdom.
- Reading books by Miranda Gray. For more advanced learning, I recommend “Womb Awakening” written by Azra Bertrand M.D. and Seren Bertrand.
Also, if you want to have a meditation to listen to while you are healing, I created one and it’s available for purchase here:
$9.99 “Womb Healing” MeditationI created this meditation to support women in reconnecting with their womb power, sexual energy and creative potentials…. Read more |
You don’t need to take all of these steps, all at once, to find relief. Choose one or two suggestions that you feel most drawn to and start there. I experimented for a period of 10 yrs and I am still learning more and more about my cycle. I know that for my continued health and wellness, I am simply responsible for supporting my body’s inherent intelligence and wisdom. My body knows what she is doing!
Drop me a line if you want to and let me know how your journey unfolds!
Be well.
Gayane Kulikyan