I Am Back From Israel!

It’s been two weeks since I’ve been back from Israel. 150 of us, from 37 countries started an incredible journey of integrating our collective and intergeneration traumas, through a project called “Pocket Project.”

I had a rich and intense time learning about trauma, integrating parts of my own shadow and meeting amazing people and colleagues who share a similar vision as I. I also got a chance to explore ancient cities of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, feeling the energy of holy sites and the welcoming warmth of the Mediterranean Sea.

When I tuned into my future 8 years ago, I could sense myself being a part of a global community that came together to heal cultural and collective wounds. I could sense us holding space for each other, for the wounds of “our countries”, allowing emotions to emerge and move like rivers. I could feel us working together to co-create a more peaceful and healed world. The kind of world where global citizenship can take root and war as a way to resolving conflict no longer exists. The AHA moment came last week, when I realized that…

I am living out my vision and

I feel like I found my tribe.


I believe that if each one of us did our inner work and made the kind of contribution we are called to make, we would be living in a different world. One that is devoid of war and other global challenges we are currently facing.

If you want to explore your calling, one question you can ask yourself is:

What breaks my heart?

Often times, we hear such phrases as “follow your bliss” and “do what makes you feel joyful”. These are wonderful pointers to your North Star and I also believe it’s important to ask yourself what pains me? What breaks my heart?

In this videopoet David Whyte eloquently speaks about the importance of heartbreak (and much more), in a conversation with my teacherThomas Huebl.

If you feel ready, what one step can you take now in the direction of your deepest calling?

Feel into your next step and commit to taking one action that will move you closer to your deepest calling.

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