Inner Peace – my version

Inner Peace Program

This program is for you, if you already tried courses and group programs and you’ve created results in your life, but you’ve been craving the personalized attention of a 1:1 coach because you know deep inside that is what will unlock your fuller potentials. 


This program is for you if you are tired of:

* feeling overwhelmed
* running around and constantly being on the go 
* being stressed and on edge most of the time
* not knowing what you need or how you feel
* feeling like your life is spinning in a hamster wheel

This program is not for you 

* if you want to stay in victim consciousness
* if you aren’t willing to take responsibility for your life 
* if you are looking for quick fixes 
* if you don’t want to put any effort into applying what you are learning
* if you are not willing to devote 2-3 hrs per week to yourself


Apply Today



“Gayane is a wonderful, warm and very present guide who helped me feel welcome, understood and supported. I  am so grateful she offers this nourishing environment for people ‘like me’! In our constantly changing world these days, I found the time here to slow down and honestly reflect on who I am and what I want. I can highly recommend this workshop to everyone, but especially to people who are interested in inner work and need a reference to ‘truly feeling at home'”.


Who I am

I am a former refugee who felt lost for over a couple of decades before I found myself. 

I was pushed to step on a path of self-discovery after feeling miserable in a corporate job and after a painful break-up. That’s when I discovered psychology, spirituality and mindfulness. 

Since, then, I have been walking on my spiritual path, going deeper into charted and uncharted territories.

I hold a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology, I am a certified Transformational Coach, as well as a certified Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness Practitioner. 

Now, I can say with confidence that I feel deeply connected to myself, including my heart, body and soul.

I enjoy what I do for a living and I use my gifts on daily basis.

I feel inner peace most of the time and when I don’t, I have practices that I use to process what I am going through, so I can come back into alignment. 

I don’t have any toxic relationships in my life and I have been healing the relationships that were challenging for me.

I feel like I am embodying my purpose and I am still learning to trust Life, with her ebb and flow. 


The Way I Work

Coaching isn’t psychotherapy. My coaching isn’t oriented towards fixing the past. I use presence, mindfulness practices and breathing techniques to orient you towards present moment awareness. From this space, space can open up for the future you desire to experience. What shows up in a coaching session, is not rejected but rather welcomed, so an organic movement, healing or transformation can take place. 

I see you as a complete, capable and whole human being. I will hold space for you, sharing with you intuitive messages that I receive along the way to guide you and support you on your path.


What You’ll Receive

6 month private container 

18 private 1:1  Zoom Sessions (Value $2700)

Three Breathwork Sessions (Value $450)

Email support (Value $300)

Two e-booklets: “Coming Home Booklet” and “How To Create Connection and Belonging” (Value $40)

My personal training, education and experience of 15 years  (Value $70K)

TOTAL VALUE $ 73,490




What Happens When You Apply

You’ll be taken to a form where you’ll be asked a series of questions to help you clarify if working together would be a good fit for both of us. 

If you are selected for the program then, we’ll connect via Zoom, so I can respond to your questions and make necessary arrangements (payment, coaching dates, etc.).